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Accelerating Diffusion of Innovation - Maloney's 16% Rule

The Secret to Accelerating Diffusion of Innovation: The 16% Rule Explained

Last year as part of my Masters degree, I wrote a paper on why iPhone adoption will be faster in Australia than the US. Key to this claim was diffusion of innovation theory, to which I introduced a new concept titled The Newton Ball Diffusion Acceleration Effect.
In the year since developing this concept, I have been responsible for several new product launches, that have all been successful way beyond expectations due to another theory that I have developed on how to accelerate diffusion of innovation.

I am now ready to share this secret with you, it is called Accelerating Diffusion of Innovation: Maloney’s 16% Rule.

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Adidas Augmented Reality Pack

3 Ways Fashion Brands Are Using Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality is one of the hottest topics in marketing today and there is no sign of the buzz subsiding.

Always on the cutting edge, fashion brands have been quick to jump on the bandwagon.

Here are 3 examples featuring Adidas, T-Post and Brights & Stripes.

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Bailing out the motor industry: What would Google do?

When you are stuck with a marketing problem, one of the best ways to “think outside the box”, is to put yourself in a different box altogether.

To do this, a method I find useful is to ask yourself “if the best marketers in the world had the same problem, how would they approach it?”

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